Fish processing of North Sea fish and Atlantic fish species


For Neerlandia Urk it is of the utmost importance that the quality of our product comes first. This can best be guaranteed by having the entire chain ‘from ship to shelf’ in-house. With our own fishing vessel Z300 ‘Sola Gratia’ we manage and guarantee the traceability of our North Sea fish. The catch is caught sustainably with respect for nature and the environment. The Z300 practices twin rig and fly shoot fishing and uses the Dogger Bank and the English Channel as fishing grounds.

Arrival production facility

In our modern production facility we work according to the strictest standards of all leading certifications. Neerlandia Urk has everything in-house to process, store and/or export the best fish. Our large team of motivated employees is ready every day to process fish in the most professional way.

To sort

Neerlandia sorts fish products down to the gram using the most modern equipment. Whether fresh or frozen fish products. Quality and efficiency are paramount.


Neerlandia Urk offers all kinds of processing methods for fish products. For example, a large number of different fresh fish are filleted manually or mechanically. From North Sea flatfish to salmon, there are many options when it comes to filleting and processing.


Flexibility is of great importance to our customers, so Neerlandia offers a wide range of packaging options. Whether it is a private label or one of our own brands. Neerlandia processes packaging types in various sizes for retail, wholesale or cash and carry.


Speed is of the utmost importance for freezing fish. Neerlandia Urk has various facilities to freeze fish quickly. This way the structure of our fish is not affected and we retain the taste. This is how we keep our fish product in top shape!

North Sea fish and Atlantic fish processing

Contact our sales team

If you would like to know more about our processing and options for your specific needs, we warmly invite you to contact us. Our team is ready to answer all your questions and help you find the perfect fish products for your needs. Do not wait any longer and contact us today