Why are the colder months the best time for squid?


Squid is a species of marine invertebrate belonging to the squid (cephalopod) family, which also includes octopuses and cuttlefish. It is found throughout the world in warm and temperate waters, and is often caught for its tender, flavorful fish meat.

The squid has a long, cylindrical body with a mantle, which is the main part of the body, and a head attached to the mantle with a narrow neck. It has eight arms, covered with suction cups, and two long tentacles, with which it catches its prey.

The squid is a highly intelligent creature that has been shown to exhibit complex behaviors such as problem solving and learning. It is also a fast swimmer, thanks to its jet propulsion, with which it propels itself through the water.

Squid is a popular seafood worldwide, and is often served in dishes such as calamari, sushi and ceviche. It is high in protein, low in fat and high in essential nutrients, making it a healthy choice for people of all ages.

Why is squid healthy?

Squid is high in protein, low in fat and high in essential nutrients, making it a healthy choice.

One of the main benefits of squid is that it is an excellent source of protein. Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in our bodies, helping to build and repair tissues, produce hormones and enzymes, and maintain healthy muscles and bones. A 3 ounce serving of cooked squid contains about 16 grams of protein, which is about one-third of the recommended daily allowance for an adult.

Squid is also low in fat, with only 0.5 grams of fat per 3 ounce serving. This makes it a great option for people trying to maintain a healthy weight or following a low-fat diet.

In addition to its high protein and low fat content, squid is also rich in essential vitamins and minerals. It is a good source of vitamin B12, which is important for the production of red blood cells, and is also high in selenium, a mineral that helps support the immune system.

Furthermore, squid is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

In short, squid is a healthy and delicious fish dish that can be eaten as part of a balanced diet. Its high protein content, low fat content and rich array of essential vitamins and minerals make it a good choice for people of all ages.

When is the best time to catch squid?

One of the best times to catch squid is during the winter months, when the water is colder and the squid are more active. In most parts of the world, there are more squid in winter, making it an ideal time to fish.

It is important to consider the tides when catching squid. Cuttlefish are often found in shallow water close to shore, and the tides can have a significant effect on their behavior. When the tide is high, the squid swim closer to the surface.

The best time to catch squid depends on a number of factors, including the season, time of day and tides.


Neerlandia Urk supplies squid internationally to various wholesalers and supermarkets. We manage the entire supply chain from capture to delivery to the supermarket. Or in other words, vertically integrated supply chain.

Neerlandia’ s Youtube channel also features videos about the various processes within Neerlandia Urk. Below is a Youtube Short about squid:

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